Friday 30 September 2016

Odisej prolazi kraj sirena - Odysseus passes the Sirens - A poem by Zlatko Tomicic - JCS 21



—Svi momci, vosak u uši, naredjuje kapetan. I svi momci nalijevaju vosak u uši, a sebe uz jarbol vezuje kapetan.

—Svi momci, jezik iz usta, naredjuje kapetan. I svi momci plaza jezik iz usta, a sebi pokriva oči kapetan.

A kad se je začuo pjev momke je spopao svrbež u uhu i drmao se jarbol gdje je bio kapetan.

— Zmijo Anadiomena! Poštedi nas.

-- Poštedite nas sve, koje ste lijepe u vodi i koje se lijepe javljate iz vode. Poštedite nas sve, čiji glas otima naše tijelo.

— Ne zovi nas, Aglaofema! Ne zovi nas, Ligeja! Ne zovite. Tako vam Aheloja!

Ovako nariče momčad, jer bi vosak htio da se stali, jer zubi mogu da ugrizu jezik, a konopi pucaju kojima je vezan kapetan;

tako nariče momčad, a ovoj bi htio da strgne kapetan.
—All you crewmen, stop your ears with wax—ordered the captain. And all the men poured wax into their ears, and the captain tied himself to a mast.
—All you crewmen, stick your tongues out of your mouths—commanded the captain, and all the men thrust their tongues out of their mouths, and the captain covered his eyes.

And when the song was heard, an ache seized the crewmen, and the mast to which the captain was tied trembled.

—Serpent Anadyomene! Spare us.

—Spare us all, you who are beautiful in the water and still more beautiful when out of the   water. Save us all, you whose voices captivate our bodies.
—Do not call to us, Aglaopheme! Do not call to us, Lygeia! Now help me, Achelous!

Thus lamented the crew, because the wax tended to melt, because their teeth could not bite their tongues, and the ropes by which the captain was tied were bursting.
Thus lamented the crew from which the captain would have liked to tear free.
A dolje u talasima djevojke, tvrdih grudi i ribljega repa, pjevaju čudno kao da su zavirile u grlo božanstvenom Orfeju:

—O kralju Itake! Mekana je voda i tvrde poput limuna naše grudi. Sanjiv je šum talasa i kao nektar pitka naša ljubav.

—O momci! Srebrne su ljuske naših peraja. I naše ruke duge kao cvjetovi.

—U školjci našeg trbuha nači ćete sedefa, više nego u jednom poznatom žalu. O momci!

—U jednu će vam klepsidru stati sav pijesak Scilinog mora i sav pijesak Kirkinih obala.

A Ulix je htio da ostane Talasiphron, da bude i dalje hrabri kapetan:

Oči mu je krv izgurala iz šupljina, a nokti su mu ušli u drvo jarbola. Hrabri kapetan.

A mornari su puzili prema ogradi. A mornari su kao psi prilazili rubu. Krvlju ih je svojom vraćao kapetan.

Kadgod je kap kanula iz prstiju, stali bi mornari. Eh, krvlju ih je svojom zaustavljao kapetan. Hrabri kapetan.

I, gle! Već se manje čula Aglaofema, i manje Leukosija. Sve se je manje čula Ligeja.

Kad je prošao brod, one su jecale.

I počupale duge djevičanske kose, i razbile harfe.
Počupale kose i razbile harfe, sišle sa svoje koraljne hridi, skočile u more,
i postale stijene.

And down there among the waves the girls with hard breasts and with fish tails strangely sang on, as though they had peered into the throat of the divine Orpheus:
-O king of Ithaca! The water is soft and our breasts are hard like lemons. The murmer of the waves is drowsy and our love can be drunk like nectar.
—O youths! Silvery are the scales of our fins. And our hands are long like the flowers.

—In the shell of our bellies you will find more mother-of-pearl than at any of the famous beaches. O youths!

—One hourglass could hold all the sand of Scylla and all the sand of Circe's shores.

And Ulysses wanted to remain the Stalwart One, to carry on in the future as the Brave Captain:
Blood was forced out of his eye sockets, and his nails dug into the wood of the mast. The brave captain.
And the mariners kept crawling toward the rail. And the mariners, like dogs, kept approaching the edge. With his own blood the captain continued to turn them back. Whenever a drop would fall from his fingers, the mariners would halt. Ah, the captain was staying them with his own blood. The brave captain.
And look! Already one could hear less of Aglaophema, and less of Leucosya.
One could hear less and less of Lygeia.

When the ship pulled away, they sobbed.

And they tore their long virginal hair, and they broke their harps into pieces, descended from   their coral rock, and leaped into the sea,
and became stones.

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