Friday 30 September 2016

Nikola Šop - Poetry in Croatian and English - JCS 20


Born 1904 – Died 1982

Born in Jajce, Bosnia. Lives in Zagreb, immobilized by a grave illness. His books of poetry are:

PJESME SIROMAŠNOG SINA [Poems of a Poor Son) 1926, NOKTURNO [Nocturne] 1928, ISUS I MOJA SJENA [Jesus and My Shadow] 1934, OD RANIH DO KASNIH PIJETLOVA [From the Early to the Late Cocks] 1939, TAT I MJESEČINA [The Thief and the Moonlight] 1924, TAJANSTVENA PRELA [The Mysterious Spinnings] 1943, ZA KASNIM STOLOM [At the Late Table] 1943, ASTRALI JE [The Astral Poems] 1961, POEZIJA [Poetry] 1961, POHODI [Visits] 1972, DOK SVEMIRI VENU [While Universes Wither Away] 1975, IZABRANE PJESME, [Selected Poems] 1978.

Sop´s poetry is in:

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Journal of Croatian Studies, XX, 1979, – Annual Review of the Croatian Academy of America, Inc. New York, N.Y., Electronic edition by Studia Croatica, by permission. All rights reserved by the Croatian Academy of America.
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